How Should I Make Preparations for an Mot?


Many automobiles fail an MOT because of minor issues that one could easily avoid before the test. You could be in shock to see what would fail an MOT - some issues are minimal.

It's a great way to prepare an MOT checklist a few weeks before the evaluation date to ensure your car is in the best condition possible. This will enable you to actively resolve the problems and avert any inconvenient situations if the car completely fail

It is worth noting, however, that if your car fails its MOT Basingstoke, you will be unable to keep your renewal date.

Things to check for an MOT:


Together with your tyres, are by far the most safety-critical elements on your vehicle, and they must function properly to pass the MOT.

The car is usually under evaluation on rollers to ensure that the brakes successfully slow it down it. Also, they are in correct alignment - that is, it halts in a single direction. If anti-lock brakes are present, the pedal rubber must not wear down too much, and then the ABS warning light must illuminate. The parking brake must function properly and securely hold the car in place, even on a slight climb.

The pieces, pads, and callipers, as well as the noteworthy pipes and wires, are also put under evaluation to determine brake status. The brake servo and hydraulic systems will also be under examination for safety.


Sharp corners on the body panels due to a corrosive environment or accident injury are a strict no because they may injure pedestrians.

Rust is a common MOT issue, especially in older vehicles. Excessive rusting on safety-related parts like steering and brakes is a strict no, and rust in under 30cm of these elements also may lead to a failure.

Openings and doors

Testers will ensure that all doors, along with the hood and rear, can open and close securely from both in and out of the vehicle.

Emissions and exhaust

They check the emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles using specialized equipment in link with your car's exhaust. The legal limit largely depends on the vehicle's age, with much tighter rules for new cars.

Visible fumes from the exhaust pipe may indicate an MOT failure, as can loud noises, so boy racers take caution.

The tester will also ensure that the exhaust system or fuel tank cap is in good condition to prevent leaks.


A horn must function and be loud enough so that other cars can hear it. Also prohibited are 'novelty' car horns that play various notes or melodies.


All lamps, such as headlamps, rear lights, markers (including hazard lights), corner lights, turn signals, and rear fog lamps, have to be operational. They must enable a tell-tale emblem on the centre console to warn drivers when they turn it on.

The orientation of the headlights also goes for evaluation. If necessary they adjust it to avoid blinding moving cars. All vehicles built after April 1, 1980, should have two red back reflectors.

Seats and seatbelts

Seats should be firmly attached, and seatbelts are a legal obligation for all post-1965 vehicles. Belts must be securely fastened, including a clip/locking mechanism, and in excellent condition.


Steering problems are difficult to diagnose and repair on your own. The tester will make sure that the wheel and column are in good working order. That the framework doesn't contain too much "fast play.

The steering bearings must get checked for wear, as are all bolts, clamps, gaiters, and universal joints. The action of power steering (which is standard on almost all modern vehicles) goes for evaluation while the motor is working.

Towing bar

If your vehicle consists of a tow bar, it must be safe and not broken or have rust on it. The MOT Basingstoke checks for the tow bar


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